If you would like publicity material about Michael Chikuzen Gould and people with whom he preforms, you may download any of the documents and photos on this page.
Formatted Documents
PDF files that may be used to promote Chikuzens Studios:
Chikuzen Profile Flyer (77kb)
Monshogodo Promotional Flyer (106kb)
Unformatted Text
This is a text file (RTF) that may be used to create your own publicity:
Below are some photos in JPEG format to choose from. The small photo simply is a thumbnail —click on the thumbnail to view and download the full sized photo. If you use a photo, please credit the photographer as indicated.
Photos of Michael Chikuzen Gould
Photos of Chieko Iwazaki:
Photos of Kuniyasu Iwazaki:
Group photos:
Michael Chikuzen Gould, Chieko Iwazaki & Kuniyasu Iwazaki, Oct 2008 (1.5mb) – photo credit to Marilyn L. Schweitzer
Student Testimonials
I feel very honored to be able to pick the brain of such a master player. The lessons are always inspirational. I feel that my association with Michael has improved my playing and my understanding of the shakuhachi.
I have spent many hours practicing and taking lessons with Michael, under whose masterful tutelage I have been lucky enough to learn. In playing I hope to convey some of the joy and the wonder that I feel everytime I pick up the shakuhachi and think back on how it is that I got to be where I am.